Sunday, April 19, 2015

Turning 52

Okay, well, I turn 52 in a few more hours.
Melissa over at Granny's Hoard posted 37 things we may not know about her in honor of
her 37th birthday, so I thought I would do the same.
So here goes...................
  1. I grew up in a very small town with a population of only 400.
  2. I totally hated school
  3. I stutter when I talk too fast
  4. I love to binge watch the Waltons and Gilmore Girls
  5. I dream of living in a town like Stars Hollow
  6. I spent the first 12 years of my working life as a waitress
  7. I have owned a consignment shop, an antiques and collectibles shop and tried my hand at running my own Cafe.
  8. I have held at least 50 different jobs in the past 33 years
  9. My first paid job was washing windows at the tender age of 8
  10. I am terrified of lightning
  11. I am not a sports fan but I love figure skating
  12. I am a nail biter
  13. My favorite snack is warm peanuts and popcorn
  14. I suffer from Bipolar and ADHD
  15. I once was a feature story writer for my local newspaper
  16. I am afraid of the dark
  17. I hate to cook
  18. I love to clean
  19. I never learned how to sew
  20. I wanted to be a country singer when I was young
  21. I am double jointed in my elbows
  22. I have five siblings, three sisters and two brothers, I lost my oldest brother 31 years ago
  23. My favorite color is lavender
  24. Fall is my favorite season
  25. I would love to own a 1952 Dodge truck
  26. I can be a little bossy 
  27. I am not a very good listener
  28. I hate talking on the phone but can talk your head off in person
  29. I love coffee with lots of cream
  30. I played basketball in middle school and ran track
  31. I have met Chelsie and Bill Clinton and  Interviewed John Anderson while working for the newspaper
  32. I have been 2000 feet up in a Hot Air balloon
  33.  I love to roller skate
  34. I was a sleep walker, and dived out my bedroom window in my sleep
  35. I never did like Barbie dolls
  36. Clowns freak me out
  37. My collecting has turned into hoarding as I get older
  38. I have always been fascinated with the New England States
  39. I am a  procrastinator
  40. I love to read
  41. I have two beautiful daughter and three beautiful grandchildren
  42. I eloped when I was 18
  43. I never finished college
  44. I started a novel but never finished it
  45. I have a hard time making decisions
  46. I love Mexican food and Seafood
  47. Silas Marner was my favorite book
  48. I hate Soap Operas
  49. I would love to  meet Tanya Tucker
  50. I am most comfortable in my sweats
  51. I am afraid of bridges
  52. I am like a child on Christmas morning when it is yard sale season!!!


svelteSTUFF said...


Jane M. said...

Happy Birthday! Thanks for giving me a shout out. I'm impressed you thought of 52 things, I was running out of ideas for mine! I feel like a kid on Christmas morning when it's garage sale season.